
Always a fan of Distortion Thursdays

Yes, even if I only usually happen to go if I am playing, however as I said before I damn love that place. Good lineup as well, a good friend of mine, Mike Cake hooked me up with my very first show (and we all know how well that had been going since) and is contiunally doing me favors, so thank him for my presence!
Mike Cake
Great acoustic rythym, deep poetic lyrics and a pretty Nirvanaesque but more upbeat throaty and raspy singing style (while also maintaining a perfect pitch.) You haven't lived until you have seen his cover of White Wedding. After about a year of being a big fan of his I know pretty much all his lyrics. Be sure to check out Black Xmas - one of my favorite songs ever.
Thom Coombs - Also an old buddy from the high school days, no doubt a sick mucisian. Thom is the kind of guy that had a sitar when he was sixteen - just amazing at all aspects of music, instruments, singing, among many other things. Unfortuantely I missed his set, I was late getting ready that night, but I think everyone can collectively agree that Thom deserves much praise for his work. The glasses and nice hair also helps.
Blaine West, always plays with such heart and fucking raw attitude, pulling off some intense solo shit on acoustic. When you are really loving that stage, it is so easy to tell. Some people just bore the hell out of me. And Blaine is one of the nicest and coolest people I have met in recent months, and props to the guy for taking photos and videos for everyone! Karma is coming his way for sure, and make sure to check out his copius YouTube channel as well.

Catmanduah - Sick! Wicked rythmn, they brought a good crowd, however I was nice and drunk by the time they placed so I had a few Indie dances (went well with my India beer.) With leading man Danny Keating, they incorporated a sick as fuck drumming style with what I recall as being very put together and not quite screaming not quite singing vocals. Well the whole thing just worked. They have a large fan base, but check them the fuck out! The bass player seemed like a dandy cat as well...I honestly dont know that much about music, I really just write these things for something to do. I am unemployed and I dont have a lot of friends.

RN Wagner - well I am marrying the damn man on August sixth, I am not really going to say anything bad about him.
  • http://myspace.com/anorphansinventorynl

  • http://anorphansinventory.blogspot.com/

  • And I played too (by then everyone had left). I drank many beer and had a wicked time. I was just kidding about everyone leaving. I just use self deprication as a humor tactic.
    Well, I must catch up on my reviews, I seen so much shit the last few days and forgot to take notes if I dont compile it within the next few hours my brain will forget.
    PS I am almost done writing my frist novel.
    Peace and love
    as always


    Leslie Butt @ Distortion 1/27

    Here is a video of my peformance. Thanks to the seven people that showed up. I had a great time ! You bys missed out. Well I am always telling you what I think of your shit so here is mine.\
    Got some reviews coming up in the next few days for all the awesome performances I have seen over the last few days so keep checking back!
    This is an original song called Mon Kilo!


    The Rolling Kings Jan 21/10 F yeah!

    Man what a fucking time I had tonight! I know I usually say those words...but really, if I am in bar and feel like I am hanging out in one of the by's shed, you know it was goddamn wicked.
    They pumped out all the solid Newfie and Irish tunes. With much conviction and energy, and a good fucking vibe. I just love when you can feel like you can hang out with the band members and have a dandy ol time. They did all the classics and a few originals and I found myself dancing...by myself sadly enough. However I feel the four glasses of red wine I consumed justified being able to dance partnerless.
    With an acoustic guitar, madolin, bass, tin whistle and bodhran I was just in Newfie heaven. And for someone who spent a sad and depressing time living in BC this was just siiiiiiiiick to the ick.
    When I requested "Days Gone By" by the Navigators and continued to explain the chord progression I actually ended up singing the song for the band while they played a song they apprently didn't previously know. Wow....can't believe I did that. Must have been the drinks...video to follow, I promise. Anything to embarrass myself in public! I just suggest NOT missing this band the next time they play. Self proclaimed to be more enjoyable after consuming whiskey. Dies for The Rolling Kings. They got a solid fan on the go now!
    Back to my roots now...just wish I had an India to follow up on the awesome night :)
    Drunken blogging, all the better.
    Here are some links!
    And please, if you read my blog on a somewhat regular basis, come out to support my music at Distortion on Thursday January 27th. I am playing an hour set you don't wanna miss! I have been sticking to all originals lately, and I am really hoping to gain some good solid fans. I will appreciate your appearance!
    But I got nothing on these Newfie homebys!
    Peace and love,


    Smokestack Lightning @ The Rose Jan 15th !

    Well I had an amazing time...theres just something about middle aged musicians rocking out that does it for me. They did mostly covers, but as any good critic will say, if you make it your own than it can be wicked wicked -  and that they did and more. My only concern was the show started a bit late, not until 12, however these things happen and it was well worth the wait.
    They opened the night with Gotta Serve Somebody - anyone who can do Dylan that good has my instant respect. Solid musicians, good solos, reminicinse of Pink Floyd for the guitar style, and awesome vocalist. Always on key, but with wicked projection and raspiness. Such a good energy and just a generally enjoyable night. Very talented drummer who had some cool tricks up his sleeve with an extra open snare.
    The crowds started to turn up once they were being projected on to Water Street. I would actually book them for my wedding.
    Once Terry Stone (Rio Samaya, 2nd asst direction on Republic of Doyle) showed up with his sax and larnyx things took on a whole different level of amazingness. Such fucking wicked unity, this band causes those moments in life where everything is fleetingly perfect in life. That squealing sax takes some mad technique to sound that fucking A. At one point Terry was climing the poles, standing dangerously on high sufaces while still singing and/or playing, he really just brought things to a whole new level of intensity.
    The band had that rare ability to be both enjoyable yet still could poke fun of themselves if they fucked up and interact with the audience.
    Great Great time.Wish I had some better adjectives today but I am very tired and preparing for an event I helping to throw down tonight for The War Resisters Support Campaign. I may just go out again later so there will probably be a new review tomorrow.
    Check out this sick link I found ... http://thetequilarockingbirds.com/nfbandpage.htm
    Well until next time, much love.
    I need fucking caffeine.


    Punk Show @ The Rose and Thistle Jan 14/10

    Good show with wicked Lineup! Here goes:

    Problem Child-Fairly new band, the only thing I could uncover was a slightly outdated BlueKaffee post for one of their shows.
    Lost Weekend
    Tied Down - my fiance bought their tape, it is well put together and I really enjoyed their intensity.
    Severed Tongue
    Real Funeral Time - runner up for Best Band Name in The Scope's Best of 2010 Survey
    My other half was also a runner up for An Oprhan's Inventory - I didn't vote that, I swear!!

    This music is best enjoyed on a buzz of either alcohol, marijuana or trace amounts of anger. They each had a separate and obvious talent, guitar skill and intensity. I did enjoy the show apart from the fact that the general audience looked like a high school theater arts class and the unwelcome vibe I got for not looking the part made just slightly uncomfortable. I mean, if we collectively enjoy a type of music or want to support the scene than why does it matter who has newer vans, a better plaid shirt or fifth grader backpack? I just think that at some point you have to say to yourself, maybe instead of purchasing more studs for your dads old jean jacket, perhaps you could do something like donate to Oxfam, pay the student loan on your fine arts degree or even (gasp!) invest in your future. Although this general rant has nothing to do with the music, it does determine a lot of people's overall enjoyment. The music deserves to be appreciated, although next time I may just avoid the Yuppie bullshit and do it from the comfort of my own home. It may be a contradiction for a group that seems open minded and original to be so unaccepting to everyones style - just pointing out what many people think! These guys were fucking awesome, dont get me wrong. Maybe I am too old and goal oriented to enjoy this particular scene. But will always La La Loveee the music!! I can be a closet punk rocker ... but wherever I go and whoever I meet I will accept with more than open arms! :D
    When people are who they are, it really shows, and thats what makes all the difference :)
    God, maybe my engagement ring is starting to seep precious metals into my pores and make me cynical.
    Fuck it, no one reads this shit anyway!
    Peace and love as always!
    Leslie soon to be Wagner.


    Folk Night @ The Ship - Every Wednesday

    I normally love The Ship, and I don't usually write negative reviews however I will probably never go to anopther folk night. The crowd was of a baby boomer generation and the general consensus in the bar was to be extremely quiet. Now I am all about loving the music, but I do that in a dancing and writing sort of way, not staring at the stage like some sort of hypnotized scenester. For someone to come around and tell a group of friends in their 20's to stop talking was extremely disrespectful. I really understand the other side of it as well, but you can't force people to like something. I don't tolerate disrespect and have never experienced this sort of behaviour in before at a show. And yes, we all love Ron Hynes, but I am not in awe. Ian Foster was good as well, and Matt Hornell as always, but I didnt leave the show with an inspiration to do something better with myself and the world. So I can only speak honestly about how I feel and maybe I am just to young, Vancouverized, and have too little life experience to fully enjoy Ron Hynes. Although John Cossar has a similar style he plays with a great conviction and emotion, totally lost in the song. Maybe for me thats the difference. And maybe becuase I could make an odd comment to my friends without being told to shut up like a kindergardner...funny they only did that when the "main" acts were playing. Wow...I think I'll only go to the ship if The Idlers or Newish Klezmer are playing. At least then you can talk and dance.
    Well, Im out for now.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
    Peace ouuuut


    J Frost CD Release w/ Radar!

    I'm not usually a hip hop and rap fan, my ex  had a particular delusion that he lived in Compton and Easy E was a good friend of his. Also, it's hard to filter through all of todays shitty music to find some rap with actual meaning and depth. In a world of Rhianna and Usher I know thats hard to believe. I was pretty oblivious to he fact that we actually had a hip hop scene here and I am damn proud of it after seeing this stuff live. Frost's lyrics are words of hope, change and truth all delievered in a high energy and unique manner. And by unique I mean the light sabres and Spirit of Newfoundland costumes were coming out. It was eye opening as well as funny. And he is a great DJ too with a good voice. Which makes sense he has his own radio show as well! Just an all around good guy!
    As for Radar, well he had such a strong and intense delievery you couldn't not be in awe. He was real. I felt his songs right from the core he was getting them from. And the words he could come up with...he made it a point of letting us know he was freestyling, man what a poet. If I could find more music like his it is definitly going on my playlist. In fact, he even gave me a CD, which will be well played. Being a music and review junkie on a low income I don't often pay for shows, but you can guarantee I would pay at least 20 hard earned bones to see this cat. I have only praise for Radar and cant wait for his nect show!
    Unfortunately I was unable to locate any music or video of Radar, so I will definitly be taking some and putting up here for you fine folks!
    Anywho, I should run, my engagement party is tomorrow so I have to go pick up some champange :)
    Also craving toutons like a mad motherfucker so I am going to Smitty's. Best fucking toutons ever.
    Peace and Love


    Dave Whitty at Trapper John's every Tuesday!

    Wow, Quidi Vidi Whitty Tuesdays...pint of QV for 4.50 and acoustic Irish music? Fuck yeah!
    I've heard his name 1000 times but never seen him play...I am so glad I did. I wasn't even planning on going anywhere so it was a good last minute decision. I would describe Dave as a great guitar player with Urban/ Irish Traditional / Newfie vocals that are very on key and heartfelt. Sweet guitar style as well, Jack Johnson-esque, upbeat, he plays with tunings and picking, cool fretboard strumming and funky palm mute usage. Funkayy. I was reminded of Flogging Molly. Such a full sound and good rythmic style you almost get tricked into believing theres a full band behind him. What do you call those fret board hammer on sweepesque things? Well Whitty does that really well and it sounds fucking crazy. In the best best way possible. Now thats a real musician folks, he is very diverse and I am so glad he responded to someone request for Wonderwall with "not down with that kind of shit." So he's got a good head on his shoulders too. Ohhh man FYA - Fuck You Alberta. This is a Newfoundland Anthem. And its a original. So fucking catchy. I don't usually go to Trapper John's but I can tell you I will definitly be back, and definitly on a Tuesday. Anyone can listen to this guy - drunk on QV or not.

    By the way, did I mention I am getting married yet?

    Peace and love,


    New Years Eve W/ The Newish Klezmer Band & The Burning Hell!

    What a time at The Rose and Thistle New Years Eve! I know I have been spending a lot of time here lately but my boyfriend (well fiance as of Christmas day) has been working the door for them a few times a week so I tag along to get some wine and writing time in. I was absolutely dying with the flu but I figured it would be shittier if I stayed home alone on New Years. Hope you all had a good of a time as I did, these bands fucking rocked!! My only regret was being racked with body pain that disabled me from moving as I was the only one in the packed bar NOT dancing and having an obviously wicked time. For Newish Klezmer think old school (like 1600's) with a cool urban twist, or that Titanic scene when Jack and Rose are dancing with the poor people. But in way where the violin bow becomes mangled by the end of the night (which did really happen). I really like the beast of a tuba the lovely lady playing it could barely hold up. Everything just fit. I think at some point one of the guys from The Idlers was playing trombone. I can't be sure anymore...I was very ill, a little bit out of it, and I drank alot of Bailey's and coffee to try to divert from my internal white blood cell epidemic. Burning Hell were great, a lot of fans singing along to them it was really cool to see. One of those bands that makes you feel emotional and powerful all in one. I am going to pull my move and attach a few links. But Ill be back soon - 2011 is the year of my (first and hopefully only) wedding so I will probably be ranting about that a little bit too - so Happy fucking New Year! And please, stay the fuck away from this flu. Peace and love, Leslie.

    The Idlers W/ Beaver Sheppard @ The Rockhouse 12/28/10

    Well first to say, I enjoyed this guy Beaver, for a solo acoustic act it doesn't get much better than him. He kind of looks like a beaver...makes sense. He is like a picking machine! Man I couldn't believe what he was doing. Too bad I only caught the tail end of his performance, however I did get to see the Idlers from start to finish. Now who doesn't love The Idlers? I couldn't even take any notes down at this one - I was too busy dancing! The bar even took up all the stools, I had asked why when I first arrived as I like to get cozy and set up my writing gear, but they said it gets pretty crowded. Halfway through their set I said, Oh. It was fucking blocked in there. Like, can't move solid block er down. Everyone was having a wicked time it seemed, and pretty much half of St.John's was there. If you haven't heard The Idlers because you have been living under some sort of rock, they are an 11 piece reggae / ska with  many many instruments and fans. Theres just nothing bad to say about The Idlers. I so love reggae music, i'm very glad I can get my fix so close to home. Way to go bys!

    Brad Jefford Trio @ The Rose and Thistle Dec 26/2010

    Awesome jazz/ experimental progressive group - I have not yet had the chance to see the guys but I was really impressed. They had Curtis Andrews as a special guest on percussion - you know nothing needs to be said there, we all love Curtis. He is now in India for some time, so it was good to see him before he took off. I really enjoyed the fast paced bass technique and their overall sound which was Pink Floyd mixed with Miles Davis. I gotta say they were really in sync with each other, their precise sound check made for a very tight sound, the sax was played very wonderfully, melodic with great climactic moments. Brad is such a good guitar player, he was all over that fretboard, and the changing rhythm makes you hear what a collective feel they have for each others music. Sick solos too, it was a solo relay race and everyone got a go. Greg Bruce was on sax and Pat Boyle on trumpet, I am pretty sure, it was hard to write things down I was pretty busy enjoying the music, and Brad's use of funky distortion peddles. These guys just rocked. Finished off the night with Brad's own song, Lost and Found. I had to close my eyes .... seriously a lot of emotion and if you like that guitar sound you could get lost in please check them out. Im not really sure why I write about bands at all because I always just end up saying they are too good to explain and im not sure what to say, here is the Myspace. So...here is their Myspace!
    Hope you all had a wicked Christmas! :)
    Peace and love