
Dave Whitty at Trapper John's every Tuesday!

Wow, Quidi Vidi Whitty Tuesdays...pint of QV for 4.50 and acoustic Irish music? Fuck yeah!
I've heard his name 1000 times but never seen him play...I am so glad I did. I wasn't even planning on going anywhere so it was a good last minute decision. I would describe Dave as a great guitar player with Urban/ Irish Traditional / Newfie vocals that are very on key and heartfelt. Sweet guitar style as well, Jack Johnson-esque, upbeat, he plays with tunings and picking, cool fretboard strumming and funky palm mute usage. Funkayy. I was reminded of Flogging Molly. Such a full sound and good rythmic style you almost get tricked into believing theres a full band behind him. What do you call those fret board hammer on sweepesque things? Well Whitty does that really well and it sounds fucking crazy. In the best best way possible. Now thats a real musician folks, he is very diverse and I am so glad he responded to someone request for Wonderwall with "not down with that kind of shit." So he's got a good head on his shoulders too. Ohhh man FYA - Fuck You Alberta. This is a Newfoundland Anthem. And its a original. So fucking catchy. I don't usually go to Trapper John's but I can tell you I will definitly be back, and definitly on a Tuesday. Anyone can listen to this guy - drunk on QV or not.

By the way, did I mention I am getting married yet?

Peace and love,

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