
The Rolling Kings Jan 21/10 F yeah!

Man what a fucking time I had tonight! I know I usually say those words...but really, if I am in bar and feel like I am hanging out in one of the by's shed, you know it was goddamn wicked.
They pumped out all the solid Newfie and Irish tunes. With much conviction and energy, and a good fucking vibe. I just love when you can feel like you can hang out with the band members and have a dandy ol time. They did all the classics and a few originals and I found myself dancing...by myself sadly enough. However I feel the four glasses of red wine I consumed justified being able to dance partnerless.
With an acoustic guitar, madolin, bass, tin whistle and bodhran I was just in Newfie heaven. And for someone who spent a sad and depressing time living in BC this was just siiiiiiiiick to the ick.
When I requested "Days Gone By" by the Navigators and continued to explain the chord progression I actually ended up singing the song for the band while they played a song they apprently didn't previously know. Wow....can't believe I did that. Must have been the drinks...video to follow, I promise. Anything to embarrass myself in public! I just suggest NOT missing this band the next time they play. Self proclaimed to be more enjoyable after consuming whiskey. Dies for The Rolling Kings. They got a solid fan on the go now!
Back to my roots now...just wish I had an India to follow up on the awesome night :)
Drunken blogging, all the better.
Here are some links!
And please, if you read my blog on a somewhat regular basis, come out to support my music at Distortion on Thursday January 27th. I am playing an hour set you don't wanna miss! I have been sticking to all originals lately, and I am really hoping to gain some good solid fans. I will appreciate your appearance!
But I got nothing on these Newfie homebys!
Peace and love,

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